Get Movin' Blog

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mothers day
A Parent Group Guide to Memorable Mother's Day Activities
Discover creative and heartfelt ways for parent groups like PTOs and PTAs to celebrate Mother's Day in schools. From themed events to crafty gifts, our guide offers cost-effective and memorable activities to make moms feel appreciated and honored at your school! Read more...
spring fundraising
6 Creative Spring Fundraising Ideas
Discover 6 creative event ideas for Fun Runs, Walk-Athons, Jog-Athons, and more to make your Spring Fundraiser a big success. Read more...
fun learning fundraisers
7 Engaging Educational Fundraisers
7 unique educational fundraisers that blend fun with learning, perfect for schools, teachers, and parent groups. Elevate your next fundraising event by integrating lesson plans and interactive activities to engage students while supporting your school's donation goals. Read more...
Hosting a Successful Unplug-A-Thon for Schools
Discover the ultimate guide to organizing an Unplug-A-Thon for school parent groups. Learn how to plan engaging activities, motivate participants with creative incentives, and harness the power of unplugging for community connection and well-being. Perfect for educators and parents aiming to reduce screen time and enhance real-world experiences for students. Read more...
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The Best Time for Spring School Fundraising Success!
Explore the benefits of well-timed school fundraisers in the spring and get expert insights on scheduling your event for the greatest success. Learn how to make every fundraising effort count! Read more...